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Jan 29th 2024 SeatingServices

End of life for Seating Services

We are announcing end of life for the seating services API. This service will be deprecated as soon as all consumers of the service have migrated to the seating manager API. We plan for migrating all consumers during 2024 and we will contact each consumer to plan the migration together.

Jan 15th 2024 organisations

End of life date for Organisations v1 and v2 beta

The v1 and v2 beta of the API is now deprecated. The end of life date is set to January 31, 2025. Consumers should start to look at the v3 Beta API

Jan 30th 2023 SDK

SDK Deprecated

Given the low usage of the SDK, we have decided to deprecate this library. If you wish to perform travel searches or queries on our mobility API, we recommend using GraphQL directly.

API Changelogs

Overview Changelogs

Latest Changes


Apr 25th 2025

The field usageEnds will be replaced with variable usageEnd of type UsageEndEnum in the UsageValidityPeriod class. The deprecated field will be subject for removal in 12 months from the current date.

Development environment
Staging environment
Production environment

Offers v1428

Mar 6th 2025

Added optional field paused to ProgramAccrualSummary in OfferSummary.eligibleForAccrualInPrograms. Value true if point accrual is currently paused, despite the offer normally earning the customer points in the program

Development environment
Staging environment
Production environment


Mar 6th 2025
  • Changes for organisations v3:
    • The v3 api is now officially no longer in Beta
Development environment
Staging environment
Production environment

News Blog

December 1st 2021

NSR NeTEx exports extended with ServiceFrame and FrameFrame from January 2022

We have been testing NSR NeTEx exports with ServiceFrame and FareFrame along with SiteFrame in Dev environment for a while now. From December 2nd 2021, these exports will be available in Staging environment and we are planning to introduce ServiceFrame and FareFrame along with SiteFrame in Production at the beginning of January 2022.

For more details on NeTEx exports, see

Entire Norway (Current stops + Scheduled StopPoints and Passenger Assignment + FareZones + GroupOfTariffZones) - Latest valid version of all stops in Norway

Entire Norway (Current and future stops + Scheduled StopPoints and Passenger Assignment + FareZones + GroupOfTariffZones) - Current and future versions of all stops in Norway

(All stop versions, incl. outdated + Scheduled StopPoints and Passenger Assignment + FareZones + GroupOfTariffZones) - Current, future and outdated versions of all stops in Norway

August 8th 2019

Recommendation feature released for offers

Recommendations are an optional feature that aims to recommend which offers you need to buy for various situations, the purpose of this is to reduce the number of offers the clients need to evaluate. Currently we support recommendations based on three types of commercial conditions, and cheapest offers. Recommendations are the new way to "mark" offers, and therefore TagSpec will be deprecated but supported until November 1. 2019.

For more details on recommendations, see guides under Offers.

Improving this developer portal

August 7th 2019

We are currently trying to improve the organisation and content of the portal. This may lead to changes in the URL's, things being moved around in the menu, and eventually some restructuring of the content in each article. Hopefully for the better :).

URL's keep on being updated

June 3rd 2019

For quite some time we have been working on moving our endpoints to new URL's. The old endpoints journey planner, real-time, geocoder and stop places will be turned off on the 1st of July 2019. Make sure all your API requests are pointing to

A change of tech!

May 29th 2019

We have just transitioned over to a new Docz based developer portal and we are still working on its finer details. In the meanwhile, everything previously available should still be there, and we will be working on improving navigation, content and visuals over the coming days and weeks, into infinity - because there is always something new! Stay tuned - stay patient!

Good news! There are news!

May 9th 2019

Hi and sorry! It's been hectic and we have not been punching our news into the news feed. So let's get started with some light news.

We have recently added "Go Fjords" to our data exports. Go Fjords operates three bus lines between Stavanger and respectively The Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen), Øygardstøl hiking route to Kjerag, and Tyssedal.

Many might also wonder: What about Vy? We are planning to change the codespace of NSB, GJB, NBE and possibly FLB over to new VY* codespaces. However, due to the relatively large risks of something going wrong, we are holding off for a while. All in good time, eh?

A list of current, future and obsolete codespaces can be found here: List of current Codespaces

We'll try to keep the news flowing from now on. Again, very sorry about that.

Entur for Developers

October 18th 2018

Welcome to Entur for developers, a website facilitating collaboration on solutions supporting simple and sustainable transportation.

The site contains information useful for developers, expressed expressed as quickstarts, guides, samples and links to more documentation.

Several Web APIs are open to consumers for all purposes. The other APIs are reserved for parties in the transport sector with a contract. Streaming APIs are also available.

For data consumers that need complete data sets, you will find files available for download.

Source code is provided for all parties interested in creating software using our APIs.

For feedback on the site or content, please contact For contract users, send feedback as agreed.