Setup and Access
Entur's services are divided in to two specific areas:
Open Services
A National hub for public transport information open to everyone
Partner Services
A sales provider for rail operators/partners
Data provided by Entur AS from API or published data files can be used under the Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD). You are allowed to copy and make available, change and/or merge with other datasets, and to use them for commercial purposes.
Read more about authentication
- Entur should be credited as the source with the text: Data made available by Entur + (logo)
- Entur assumes no liability for consequences of errors in the data or API-systems.
- The data should not be presented in a distorted or misrepresentative way
- Open source projects can be used under European Union Public Licence v. 1.2 (EUPL-1.2).
Access Partner Services
As a Partner the first thing you must do is to set up an agreement between you and Entur.
In addition, you must set up an agreement between you and the third party that you will sell tickets for. This agreement needs to include a clear definition of which products you may sell and which third party this agreement covers.
- Entur creates an OrganisationID.
- Entur creates a Slack channel for communication.
Entur wants to avoid bug reports by email. - You will receive a Client ID and Client Secrets as «shared notes» in Lastpass.
See how Client ID and Client Secrets are used to get a TOKEN.
NOTE: The examples explain access to PROD. There is a list of the environments on the same page. By default, you are given access to the STAGING Environment.Partners should check that the services are working and that they can be accessed. No products will be sold until the final points have been completed.
After receiving Client ID and Client Secrets, the Partner is responsible for storing these in their organisation.
NOTE! A self-service option for creating Client ID and Client Secret is possible through the Entur Partner Portal, as long as you have a valid user with the role "Klientadministrator".
For other environments visit the following links.
- DEVELOPMENT Entur Partner Portal
- STAGING Entur Partner Portal - Entur will present which products you may sell per your agreement.
- Entur will inform you when the products are ready for use.
- Test, technical help, improvements, settlement and certification is the final step before the same procedure is done to get access to the production environment.
Agreements for Sale of Tickets
Entur AS allows third party ticket sales, provided an agreement between Entur AS, the provider of the ticket, and the third party have a signed agreement for that purpose. Contact Entur AS to initiate the agreement process.